Let your voice be heard. As the old saying goes, you can’t complain about what’s going on in politics if you don’t cast your ballot. In 2014, only 36.4% of eligible voters cast their ballot in the Mid-term elections. Ladies, we can do better than that! We’d like to add an A’nue voice to the call to action being heard around the country. Here are some ways to get the job done.
- Many states allow Absentee or Early voting. If this option works for you, please check out www.usa.gov/absentee-voting.
- If you simply must have your “I Voted!” sticker, make sure you know the hours and location of your polling site on election day.
- Make a date with a friend to go to the polls – it’s always more fun when you can pass the time catching up with your girlfriends.
- Even better? Find someone who needs a ride to their polling place and offer to give them a lift. You’ll do your good deed for the day and the country will thank you.
This year, we’re taking no excuses. Red, blue, purple, rainbow… we’re all citizens of the same country and democracy doesn’t work unless we educate ourselves, reach our hands in a gesture of kindness to one another and, most importantly, VOTE!