Try These Mocktails For Your Spring Fun!

May is filled with lots of occasions to celebrate, from Cinco de Mayo to Mother’s Day to graduations… a girl can get a little tired of all that partying! The healthy, fun trend of delicious mocktails is a way to stay festive but not tax your body quite so much. Plus, you can include friends and family of all different ages with these refreshing treats. While there are quite a few store-bought options available these days, there’s nothing like whipping up a batch of seasonal mocktails for the next gathering. We’ve included a few of our favorite recipes to get you started but encourage you to explore how to make your favorite drink into an alcohol-free extravaganza!

Margarita Mocktail, courtesy of

What goes best with the delicious taste and aroma of freshly cooked Mexican food? Margaritas, of course! This delicious drink goes down smoothly and can be served over ice or blended up for a frothy treat. It’s up to you whether or not you salt the rim of your glasses (a perfect complement to the tangy citrus flavoring), but you’ll enjoy the marg either way!

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 cups limeade
  • ¾ cups orange juice
  • ¼ cup simple sugar
  • ½ - 1 cup club soda
  • Sugar & coarse salt for rim
  • Limes for garnish
  • Ice


  1. In a small pitcher mix together limeade, orange juice and simple syrup.
  2. Mix together equal parts sugar & coarse salt & pour on a plate.
  3. Slice lime and run lime slice around the rim of each glass and then dip it into the sugar/salt mixture to coat the rim of the glass.
  4. Fill glass ½ full with ice.
  5. Pour limeade mixture into glass, almost to the top of each glass. Top off the glasses with a little club soda. (Blend this mixture if you’re not serving the drink “on the rocks.”
  6. Add a lime wedge to each glass

Mint Julep Mocktail, courtesy of

Talk about refreshing! Who needs horse racing or Bourbon when you’ve got a tropical delight to enliven your day? Though the traditional Mint Julep is famously served at the Kentucky Derby, you can enjoy this flavorful mocktail any time your little heart desires. You can pour them in cute glasses with fun, colorful straws to add to the festive feel.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Ice
  • 4 oz pineapple juice
  • 4 oz orange juice
  • 4 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Ginger Ale (to top off)
  • 4 tsp fresh mint (crushed or finely chopped)
  • Sprig of mint
  • Lime wedge and/or pineapple slice for garnish

Mix in a pitcher and serve over ice!

Coconut, Cucumber, Lime & Mint Cooler, courtesy of

Bring a taste of the islands into your home with this tropical feast for your taste buds. Coconut water is a great way to rehydrate and add electrolytes to your diet, while the cucumbers add a cool, crisp taste. And nothing beats fresh mint to finish off a spring drink. You’ll love this easy to prepare, delicious treat that serves up none of the aftereffects of a night of drinking.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 8 cups of coconut water
  • 4 small cucumbers sliced very thinly
  • 1 cup lime juice
  • ½ cup sugar (optional – simple sugar may work well)
  • ½ cup chopped mint leaves

Combine all the ingredients in a pitcher. Stir and let chill for 1 – 2 hours.

Cheers to you & to celebrating Spring in a safe, easy fashion!

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